Messenger 346. NORMAL APK

Thank you for downloading Messenger from our site. The following are available links. Just press the button and the file will be automatically downloaded

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Download FAQs

What is APK Installer?

This is an installer developed exclusively by Techno Vikram. We attach the Cache, OBB file to the single APK file, which helps users to install it quickly and easily.

The download link is broken!

Since we use caching and the server has special sync functionality, sometimes some newly posted games will have broken links for a few minutes. You can try again in about 5-15 minutes. If after a long time the download link still fails, this is definitely a mistake in the editor’s link import process (possibly because he is sleepy)

Which file download 64 bit or 32 bit ?

You can download 64 bit or 32 bit as per your device requirements. If you don't know your device support 64 or 32 bit then simply go to Google and search your device model no and specification,you can esily find there.

What is OBB? How to install?

OBB is like the game’s DLC, you just need to unzip it to the “Android / obb” folder in the memory. The game will work properly. We rarely post an OBB, however, as it is already integrated into the INSTALLER APK as we mentioned earlier.How to install game have APK and OBB1. Download apk and OBB of the game2. Extract the OBB, copy the OBB folder to the “Android/obb” path. A correct OBB path would look like “Android/obb/com.madfingergames.legends”3. Install APK file and run

Error "App not installed"

This usually happens when you already have the original version or version downloaded on another website on your device. To fix it, please delete the app or game (remember to backup data if necessary), then reinstall our apk file

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